Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mesa Residents Still Wondering about Final Cubs Deal

As the recent months have passed by, there has been a great amount of news about the proposed new Chicago Cubs spring training facility which is the subject of Proposition 420 on this fall’s ballot. The location, funding and cost of this project has changed multiple times, always with the promise that a final binding agreement would spell out all the necessary details required to make an intelligent decision on this matter. So far, unless it is intentionally being kept a secret, there is no binding agreement between the parties and it appears most of the pronouncements by City politicians are the equivalent of throwing darts with hope of hitting a bull’s-eye.

The Proposition itself only says what is required by law. How much this development will cost, where it will be and how it will be funded is anyone’s guess. The City insiders are essentially asking the voters to trust their judgment with no restraints.

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